The expenses you claim against your property income will need to follow the usual HMRC ruling that the costs must be incurred wholly and exclusively for the purpose of renting out the property. An example set out on the website illustrates the point: If you buy a new vacuum cleaner for your own home, […]
There are still a number of sales (disposals) that a UK taxpayer can make that will not incur a charge to the UK’s Capital Gains Tax. For most of us they are limited in extent, after all legislators have had plenty of time to close any favourable loop-holes. For most of us, the major tax-free […]
Readers are reminded that from 1 April 2019, the National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) hourly rates increased to: 25 and over – £8.21 21 to 24 – £7.70 18-20 – £6.15 Under 18 £4.35 Apprentices £3.90 Workers who are entitled to receive these rates as a minimum include: part-time casual labourers, […]
From April 2020, HMRC are changing two important tax concessions that apply to landlords letting property that they as owners have previously occupied at some point as their home (Principal Private Residence (PPR)). The first is the reduction of the present rule that exempts the final 18 months of ownership from any Capital Gains Tax […]
If you have employees, and if one or more of those employees benefit from the use of facilities that you provide, cheap loans, a company car for example, it is well known that you as their employer will need to inform HMRC of the amount of these benefits following the end of the tax year. […]
Unless you opt to register, or use, one of the available VAT special schemes, you are likely paying VAT to HMRC once a quarter based on the difference between the VAT added to your sales invoices less any VAT included in business purchases and expenses (including certain acquisitions of assets). There is a problem with […]
If you die without stating your wishes, the law will determine how your assets are distributed amongst your family. The rules that govern the process are set out in the intestacy rules. And there are regional differences. Consider a parent whose personal assets amount to more than £1m. In England and Wales The husband, wife […]
The following notes set out some of the factors you will need to consider if you are considering employing members of your family, younger workers or volunteers in your business. If you hire family members you must: avoid special treatment in terms of pay, promotion and working conditions make sure tax and National Insurance contributions […]
For most of us in business the recent, and continuing, Brexit fiasco has meant that making meaningful investment decisions has proved to be problematic. What will our future trading relationship with Europe look like and how will that affect our own trading results? And yet in the UK we have an extremely generous tax allowance, […]
If you personally disposed of an asset that is subject to a capital gains tax (CGT) charge, at any time during the tax year ending 5 April 2019, any CGT due will need to be paid 31 January 2020. Accordingly, if you know the amount of the taxable gain, and the amount of CGT payable, […]