Category Archives: Uncategorized

What are Super-Deductions?

Most company business owners understand that if you incur a cost that is wholly and exclusively for the purpose of your trade, then it can be deducted from your taxable profits or added to tax losses. Likewise, if companies invest in plant or other equipment that qualifies for tax relief, even though the expenditure is […]

SEISS – the net widens

One aspect of the recent budget will please self-employed business owners that have previously been unable to claim under the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) as they commenced trading after 5 April 2019. As long as you submitted your self-assessment tax return for 2019-20 before midnight 2 March 2021, and you meet the other qualifying […]

Stealth Tax

You may have noticed that a certain phrase came up more than once in the Chancellor’s Budget speech last week. The phrase went something like this: Allowances/rates will be frozen at this level until April 2026. That’s four years of flat-lining rates and allowances and it applies to income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax […]

Tax breaks working from home

Employed persons If your employer requires that you work from home, this will apply to many employees during the various COVID lock-down periods, HMRC will allow you to claim for any extra costs associated with working from home. To save you calculating what these extra costs might be, HMRC has agreed a claim based on […]

Marriage Allowance claim

HMRC published the following press release on Valentine’s Day 2021. HMRC is encouraging married couples and people in civil partnerships to sign up for a tax break this year. Marriage Allowance offers individuals the chance to transfer part of their Personal Allowance to their husband, wife or civil partner, which could reduce their tax by […]

Spring Budget 2021 Summary

COVID-19 related support measures for UK businesses The Treasury is to continue the two existing major support schemes in an attempt to hold back a significant increase in unemployment rates as business owners grapple with the effects of COVID-19 disruption. Details are set out below. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme This scheme, nicknamed the Furlough Scheme, […]